I can work with your school to build mindfulness programming to help staff and student body to manage stress and build resilience in a way that will suit your particular needs.


Professional Development for Teachers & Staff

I work with teachers to help them manage their own stress and anxiety as well as aiding them to set up in-class Mindfulness and Meditation sequences or breaks in their own classes. 

Curriculum covers:

  • Exploring personal relationship to stress and anxiety.

  • Awareness of stress related issues.

  • Identifying areas of the brain that relate to our response to stress. 

  • Learning strategies to manage personal stress and anxiety.

  • Developing a self-care routine.

  • Relaxation techniques for reliving stress.

  • What is Mindfulness.

  • What is Meditation.

  • Exploring the benefits.

  • Developing a Mindfulness and Meditation Practice.

  • Breathing techniques 

  • The importance of personal practice for teaching. 

  • Becoming familiar with techniques that can cross over to classroom use.

  • Setting up a classroom practice - this component can include In-class Programming where structures are set up and worked through with teach

  • Most weeks have an ‘at-home’ component for teachers to work on for the next meeting. 

“I’m so sorry these sessions have come to a close. I’ve found them so useful and wish they would continue. It was a gift to us from our administrators. Thank you. ” -Elementary School Teacher


In-Class Workshop Mindfulness and Meditation Series

The in-class series Mindfulness and Meditation program enables me to work alongside the classroom teacher. This allows the teacher to then implement tools and techniques from the program into the classroom on a daily basis. Programs are structured in 5-10 week blocks. Running one class a week, new tools introduced and then practiced throughout the week with the classroom teacher. 

Curriculum covers:

  • What different parts of the brain do and how this affects our actions.

  • Workings of the brain in relation to stress.

  • Our bodies and stress.

  • Tools and strategies for managing. 

  • Mindfulness -what is it and how can it help us. 

  • Introduction to Meditation.

  • Breath Work.

  • Setting up a practice in the classroom.

“Our children have found that Mindfulness has been helpful in preparing for test prep and general inside and outside of class worries. They continue to talk about the strategies and breaths you have shared with us. We hope our students next year will be able to have the opportunity to take these sessions with you next year as well!” - 4th Grade Public School Teacher-


One time Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop

A one off workshop as introduction for children to begin to learn about how stress affects their bodies and minds and what they can do about it. It can be a great set up for a continuing series at a later time in the year, or simply an introduction to a Mindfulness practice for a class-room.