Fire Cider


The colds are sore throats are well underway and I have to say I swear by the Thieves Oil blend I make and Fire Cider.

As soon as you even feel a hint of something take this!

Make it now and keep it in the fridge - ideally it will marinate for 6 weeks before you use it.


1/3 cup - Apple Cider Vinegar

1/3 cup - Lemon Juice (approx 1 lemon if it's juicy!)

1/3 cup - Honey (being from New Zealand I recommend graded Manuka honey)

1 tsp - Ginger (fresh) 

1 tsp - Garlic (fresh)

1 tsp - Turmeric (fresh or powdered)

1 tsp - Cayenne powder

Black Pepper

Now the ingredient quantities are flexible -if you are not a hot n spicy fan lessen the Cayenne, etc- personalize it. Same goes for fresh v powder -if you don't like 'bits' I recommend using powder, it more or less dissolves. 

Use a jar with a lid, add lemon and apple cider, honey and rest of the spices. Shake it up! 

If I feel something coming on - you know, that 'sort of' sore throat, or 'sort of' achey feeling -I take a tablespoon every 1/2 an hour for a couple of hours. Then every couple of hours for a bit. It's not an exact science- go with what feels right for you. I’ve literally not had a cold since I started making this a couple of years ago. I think it helps reduce cold time if you are already ‘in’ too. The ingredients are high in vit c, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

It can be kept in the fridge for a several weeks. Just shake each time you use. 

Go brew!